Intervention materials for Y7


A set of resource materials available at two standards. The blue series is designed to build confidence for pupils who arrive at secondary school having just achieved the expected standard but have insecure understanding. The red series supports rapid progression for those arriving below the expected standard.

The booklets evidence tracking of pupils' progress and scaffold meaningful marking through insightful feedback to help pupils understand how to move forward in their learning.


The stretchers

Also available is a set of nine mini booklets to support teacher assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of pupils arriving at, or having exceeded, the expected standard.

The booklets link to the key elements of the primary curriculum and, used as an assessment of prior knowledge, will help the teacher to rapidly diagnose insecurities in understanding. This will enable the focusing of teaching to ensure more able pupils are equipped to progress securely to the highest levels of attainment. 

The booklet style promotes the importance of thinking and reasoning skills. This builds confidence and security of understanding.