The Annual Meeting for Mathematics Leaders
The Strathallan Hotel, 225, Hagley Road, Birmingham, B16 9RY
Friday 19th June 2020
This year our annual meeting will focus on the information that has been gathered via deep dives that have taken place in mathematics departments.
Our lead speaker is Alun Williams HMI, a mathematics specialist. Alun provided us with a highly informative morning last year explaining the processes involved under the revised Framework and this year he will explain how Ofsted are inspecting the quality of education using the deep dive approach and the aspects of a school’s curriculum intent, implementation and impact that would be considered, drawing on the criteria for good and outstanding.
The afternoon will involve delegates attending two from a choice of three workshops, each of which will have a specific key stage focus. KS5, looking at A level, will be managed by a representative of an exam board and the KS4 and KS3 workshops will revisit the information from the morning session, looking at curriculum intent, implementation and impact to support consistency of learning throughout the department.
Course costs will be £110.00 +VAT per delegate including lunch.
We are pleased to offer a reduced rate of £195.00 + VAT for two delegates.
Please email or call 07980 672001 to book a place.